For many reasons, it is very difficult to find reliable and valid information about this branch of spirituality, and that is something that has frustrated me for many years. So, I wanted to start a community where people could access this information, ask questions, and even attend classes, rituals, and workshops.
We have multiple professors at the academy. They are all extremely experienced and masters of their craft. Check the staff page to see more information about each professor.
Each class is completely free, but you must do volunteer work for the academy once every month. The volunteer work options can be found in the Volunteer Options section of the tuition page.
If you’re unable to complete volunteer work, then you have some other options. You can private message me for my address so that you can send me small items such as coffee grounds, artwork, tea, cookies, homemade candles, or anything you can think of. I also accept digital artwork online.
You can also send me a $10-$20 tip via PayPal (send me a message for other donation methods).
Thank you so much to everyone who joins! I’m so excited to have our own little Pagan academy.