Academic Progress
Select your name to check on your academic progress.
If you cannot select your name, speak to Alexandra about setting up your student page.
How Does The Academy Keep Track of Your Academic Progress?
When you take a class at the academy please let the leader of your mentorship group know that you took the class. If you took the class live on Zoom, Facebook live or in person, then the class will be instantly recorded on your student academic progress page. If you watched a recording of the class on YouTube or on the website then please turn in a 4 paragraph essay explaining what you learned in class. Once you turn the essay in to Alexandra, the class will be recorded on your student academic progress page, and the essay you wrote will also be put on your student academic progress page so that we can keep track of all the essays you write.
When you take an exam at please let your mentorship group leader know that you have completed the exam, and they will add that information to your student academic progress page. Every exam comes with an exam guide, to help you understand what information will be on the exam. To look at the exam guide, go to the Certifications page, click on the certification that you are taking, and click on Exam Guide. Only certification programs require an exam. None of the other courses require an exam.
When you finish a book report please let your mentorship group leader know that you have completed your book report. Then turn your book report in to Alexandra. After you have turned your book report in, your mentorship group leader will put that information on your student academic progress page. Your book report will not be graded. It is meant to help you process, understand, and retain the information from the book. Only certification programs require a book report. None of the other courses require a book report.
When you complete a private apprenticeship, please let your mentorship group leader know that you have completed an apprenticeship. Then your mentorship group leader will add your completed apprenticeship to your student academic progress page. If you would like to start a private apprenticeship please speak to Alexandra and she will set you up with the apprenticeship that you are interested in. The private apprenticeships that we offer change frequently, so please contact Alexandra to find out which apprenticeships are available. Only certification programs require a private apprenticeship. None of the other courses require an apprenticeship.