Astrological Curriculum
The astrological program’s main focus and objective is to give it’s scholars the tools necessary to not only read charts and transits, but also to give them an acute understanding of the stars, their mythology and history. The classes covered in this program are all required and all count towards certification. These classes will be taught by Professor Micah M and Professor Alex B to give you the best all encompassing astrological education possible. After taking all of the required classes or and apprenticeship with Micah there will be an exam that must be passed with a 80% or higher (hands on chart reading knowledge and comprehension will factor into this overall exam grade.) Below are the classes required for the astrological certification as well as astrological electives.
Classes Required:
Intro To Astrology (Required)
I. Possesses a solid understanding of dualities, triplicities and quadruplicities and how they play a part in planet placement interpretation.
II. Have a general understanding of the key differences between Hellenistic and Modern astrology.
III. Able to accurately dissect planetary placements and form interpretations of any given.
IV. Have a basic understanding of major aspects.
V. Understands significations of the 12 places/houses.
Diving Deeper Into Charts (Required)
I. Able to combine planetary placements & houses to create interpretations
II. Able to combine aspects into interpretations
III. Able to identify inferior and superior aspects between placements
IV. Understands how to interpret a chart ruler as well as identify and interpret malefics and benefics in sect in a chart.
Transit Interpretation (Required)
I. What is a transit?
II. Understands the effects of each planet when it transits a house, planet and natal placement.
III. Able to interpret a current transit and natal transit.
Apprenticeship (Required)
I. Mastery of aspects, planets, the signs and houses and their application.
II. Pass astrological exam with 80% or higher
III. Comfortable and confident reading for live clients in practicum
IV. Comprehensive understanding of the history of astrology and it’s ages
Other Required Classes
• The 12 signs And Myths
• Astrology of Tarot
• Vedic Astrology in Divination
• Asteroids In Astrology
• Synastry in Astrology
• Medical Astrology