

Recommended Reading List


Ealy, Thomas & Horne, Steven. The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-

Making Guide, 2016.

Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, 2012.

Shesso, Renna.  A Magical Tour of the Night Sky, Weiser, 2012

Beyerl, Paul. Master Book of Herbalism, 1984.

Moorey, Teresa. Herbs for magic and ritual: a beginner's guide,  Hodder &

Stoughton, 1999.


  Shesso, Renna. Rune-Reader: The Ancient Runes and How to Use Them, 1999.

Shesso, Renna. Math for Mystics: from the Fibonacci sequence to luna's

labyrinth to the golden section and other secrets of sacred geometry,

Weiser Books, 2007.

Wild and Thorsson. The runes workbook: a step-by-step guide to learning the

wisdom of the staves, Metro Books, 2008.


Buckland, Raymond. Practical Candle Burning Rituals, Llewellyn

Publications, 1970.

Cunningham, Scott. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews, Llewellyn


Shesso, Renna. Candle Magic Simple Working,s Bright Invitings, 1996.

Miller, Iona & Richard Alan. The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes, 1990.

Witchcraft/Other Magic(k):

Cunningham, Scott. The Truth about Witchcraft Today, 1988.

Farrar, Janet & Stewart. A Witches’ Bible: The Complete Witches’ Handbook,


  Buckland, Raymond. Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, 1986.

Glass, Justine. Witchcraft, the Sixth Sense, 1971.

Farrar, Stewart. What Witches Do: A Modern Coven Revealed, 1995.

Grammary, Ann. The Witch’s Workbook, 1973.

Valiente, Doreen. An ABC of Witchcraft: Past and Present, 2018.

Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft By Al Manning

Reed, Ellen. The Witch's Qabala: The Pagan Path and the Tree of Life, S.

Weiser, 1997

Hall, Manly. Secret Teaching of All Ages. 2007.

Bandon, Frans. Initiation into Hermetics, 2001.

Cabot, Laurie & Cowan, Tom. Power of the Witch: The Earth,

The Moon…, 1990.

Farzer, Sir James George. The Golden Bough, 2019.

Graves, Robert. The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth,


Murray, Margaret Alice. The God of the Witches, 1970.

Leland, Charles G. Aradia: Gospel of the Witches, 2019.

Amber K. True Magick: A Beginner’s Guide, 2006.

Galenorn, Yasmine. Trancing the Witches Wheel: A Guide to Magickal

Meditation, 1997.

Starhawk. Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of Ancient…, 1999.

Hulse, David Allen. Key of It All: The Eastern Mysteries, 1993.

Hulse, David Allen. Key of It All: The Western Mysteries, 1996.

Tarostar. Witch’s Formulary and Spellbook, 1997.

Budapest, Zsuzsanna. The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries, 2007.

Conway, D. J. Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth and Reality of the Triple

Goddess, 1995.

Campanelli, Pauline & Dan. Ancient Ways: Reclaiming the Pagan Tradition,


Schueler, Gerald J. Enochian Magic: Practical Manual, 1985.

Leitch, Aaron. The Essential Enochian Grimoire: An Introduction to Angel,


Kaplan, Aryeh. Sefer Yetzirah, 1997.

Crowley, Aleister. The Book of the Law, 1976.

Leitch, Aaron. The Secrets of the Magical Grimoires, 2005.

Churton, Tobias. The Gnostics, 1987.

Cicero, Chic & Sandra Tabatha. The Essential Golden Dawn, 2003.

Campanelli, Pauline. Pagan Rites of Passage, 1998.

MacGregor Mathers, S.L. The (Greater) Key of Solomon the King, 1889.

MacGregor Mathers, S.L. The Lesser Key of Solomon the King, 1995.


Cunningham, Scott & Harrington, David. Spell Crafts: Creating Magical…,


Malak, Frater. The Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals, 2019.

Dunwich, Gerina. Candlelight Spells: The Modern Witch’s Book…, 2021.

Worth, Valerie. The Crone’s Book of Words, 1986.

Fitch, Ed. Magical Rites from the Crystal Well, 1984.


Cunningham, Scott. Wicca a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, Llewellyn

Publications, 2004.

Stepanich, Kisma. Faery Wicca Book Two:  the shamanic practices of the

cunning arts, Llewellyn Publications, 1995.

Stepanich, Kisma. Faery Wicca Book One: Theory & Magick a book of shadows

and light, Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

McCoy, Edain. The Sabbats. Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

Moorey, Teresa. Witchcraft a Beginner's Guide, Hodder & Stoughton, 1999.

Crowther, Patricia. Lid Off the Cauldron, 2020.

Lady Sheba. Grimoire of Lady Sheba, 1974.

Slater, Herman. The Magickal Formulary: Vol. 1, 1981.


DuQuetta, Lon Milo. Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, 2019.

Loeb, Daniel W. Rita Mundi Tarot, 2021.

Chang, Susan T. Melees, M.M. Tarot Deciphered, 2021.


Regardie, Israel. How to Make and Use Talismans, 2018.


Ahsian, Naisha & Simmons, Robert. The Book of Stones: Who They Are…,


Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible, 2016.

Frazier, Karen. Crystals for Healing: The Complete Reference Guide…, 2015.

Frazier, Karen. The Crystal Alchemist: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking…,


Pearson, Nicholas. Crystal Basics: The Energetic, Healing…, 2020.

Hall, Judy. 101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Crystals…, 2011.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Crystals Prescriptions… Vol. 1, 2007.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer: Harness the Power of… Vol. 2, 2018.

Ryan, Karen. Healing Crystals: Discover the Therapeutic…, 2019.

Sex Magick:

Kraig, Donald Michael. Modern Sex Magick, 1998.

Maria de Naglowska. Initiatic Eroticism, 2013.

Randolph, Paschal Beverly. Maria de Naglowska. Magia Sexualis, 2012.

Celtic Mythology:

Moorey, Teresa. Faeries and Nature Spirits: A Beginner’s Guide, 1999.

Conway, D. J. Celtic Magic, 1990.


Connolly, S. The Complete Book of Demonolatry, 2006.

Enochian Magick:

Enochian Vision Magick by Lon Milo DuQuette

The Essential Enochian Grimoire by Aaron Leitch

The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie

The Classics of Western Spirituality: Zohar The Book of Enlightenment by Daniel C. Matt

The Vision and the Voice by Aleister Crowley edited by Frater 273

The Kybalion by Three Initiates

Corpus Hermeticum by GRS Mead

Sacred Sex by Gabriella Herstik

Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa edited by Eric Purdue

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