The Æsir family contains mainly gods of consciousness, war, and government, the Highest and Holy Gods of Consciousness, of shaping the universe, and ultimate potential. The ruling god of Northern tradition is Odin.
The Vanir are mainly concerned with fertility and natural, worldly processes, and cycles. The Rulers of the Vanir are Freyja and Freyr (the lady and the lord).
Odin (Odhinn, Woden, Wodan, Wuotan): Lord of runes, poetry, war, magic, ecstasy, awareness, the mind, the heroic dead. The All-Father. Sovereign god of the North. The most mysterious and changeable of the gods. He has one eye, as the other was sacrificed for Wisdom in Mimir’s well. The day Wednesday is named after him, from “Wodens-day.”
Tyr (Tiwaz, Ziu): God of the sky, war, council, justice, and self-sacrifice. He sacrificed his hand in the binding of the Fenris Wolf so that the cosmic order could be protected. Tuesday is named after him.
Thor (Thórr, Donar): God of thunder, strength, and giant slaying. The most popular of the gods, Thor is the protector of the worlds of Northern mythology. His most recognizable attribute is the hammer Mjöllnir, which always returns after he has thrown it to devastating effect. While Odin is the god of rulers and magicians, Thor is the god who most of the Germanic famer/warriors of the early days honored. Thursday is named after him.
Loki: The trickster god. Loki is sly and deceitful and brings about necessary destruction so that rebirth can take place. Loki could be considered the “shadow side” of Odin.
Freyja: The most important goddess of the Germanic myths. She is the beautiful god of love, fertility, eroticism, and the type of magic called Seidhr (see Chapter Six). The magical artifact associated with her is the Brisingamen necklace, which symbolizes her power over nature and cycles of all kinds. Friday is named after Freyja.
Freyr: The most important Vanic god, a figure of Frith (peace), prosperity, and pleasure. Freyr is the fertility god and lord of harvests and worldliness, identified with the boar and hard. His weapon is a hart’s horn.
Humans: Recipients of the Gift of Consciousness. They inhabit the realm Midgard, where most meaningful action is manifested, and may also interact with the gods.
Valkyries: “Choosers of the Slain”---heroic female warrior beings who live in Asgard. They may aid the chosen warrior or else escort him to Valhalla (a form of paradise).
Elves: Bright, beautiful creatures that inhabit Ljossalfheim (Light-Elf World). Interactions with them are usually fortuitous and positive, although Anglo-Saxon tales do refer to them as sometimes causing illness to the unprepared.
Dwarves: These are the “dark elves.” Skillful and crafty, they create the magical weapons and objects of the Northern mythos.
Giants: Often very ancient, unevolved forces. Sometimes (especially the Etin tribes), they act in opposition to the Gods of Consciousness.
Land-wights: “Spirits of the place” who have a vested interest in particular locales. Can be beneficent or (rarely) malevolent.
Disir: Protective matrons who aid in all aspects of childbirth and are possibly connected with the Valkyries.
Spawn of Loki: The Æsir god Loki gave birth to many of the unique “monsters” of the North. These include the Fenris Wolf, Midgard Serpent, and even the helpful “best horse” Sleipnir, Odin’s stead.
Norns: The women of fate, the “weavers of destiny.” (See Chapter Five for a description of the Greater Norns.)