Introduction To Magic In Ancient Egypt​

The Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom is also known as the ‘Age of the Pyramids’ or ‘Age of the Pyramid Builders’. This is because it was the period in which most of the main pyramids were built. This trend was started by King Djoser, who commissioned the first ever pyramid, the ‘Step’ pyramid. Roughly 60 years later, Sneferu (A later king), ordered the construction of three more important pyramids. the ‘Bent’ Pyramid, the ‘Red’ Pyramid and the ‘Meidum’ pyramid. This trend of large stone structure building was maintained by both his son and grandson, Khufu (the son) with his Great Pyramid of Giza, and Khafra (the grandson) with the construction of the Sphinx.

 Another important development at this time was the centralization of power within the country. Before this time period, Ancient Egypt existed as a collection of independent states. However during the Old Kingdom’s reign, these states became known as ‘nomes’, or districts, all controlled under the same King.

 The Middle Kingdom

During the first Intermediate period, Ancient Egypt fell apart and fell under the control of district governors. Eventually, there was a war between two separate dynasties - known as the 10th and the 11th Dynasties - to take control of the entire country. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt at that time were separated due to the war going on however toward the end of this period, Mentuhotep II of the 11th Dynasty triumphed and took control of the country as a whole. This was the start of the Middle Kingdom.

 During the Middle Kingdom years, the Lord of the Underworld, Osiris, became a prominent and popular deity. King Sensusret III expanded Ancient Egypt into Nubia through military campaigns also.

 The New Kingdom

The New Kingdom hosted many of the most famous kings, rulers, and pharaohs that we know of today, including:

 Ramses I-III -

Regarded as incredibly successful rulers, who brought prosperity and stability to Ancient Egypt

Ramses IV-XI -

Very ineffective rulers and overlooked the fall of Ancient Egypt into the Third Intermediate Period

Ahmose I -

The first ruler of the New Kingdom

Hatshepsut -

Most well known for expanding Ancient Egyptian trade and increasing economic prosperity

Amenhotep III

Akhenaten -

Best known for his religious fervor and creating a monotheistic religion to the god Aten. He and his wife Nefertiti invented a new form of art to depict their religious and spiritual leanings.


Thutmose III -

The ‘Napoleon of Egypt’, who expanded and consolidated the Empire’s reach