Feel free to just learn one or learn them all
Basic Luck Potion
Moon: Waxing
Day: Wednesday Thursday or Friday.
Bottle color: Green. Feel free to paint the bottle green.
Herbs: Sage, sunflower, and rose.
Oils: Almond oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, or rose oil.
Cast a circle. (Check the circle casting notebook)
Empower your herbs. (Check the empowerment notebook)
Visualize and meditate on the luck that is needed in your life and envision obtaining it.
Meditate for thirty min+, focus your intention on the luck needed in your life.
Put oil and herbs into your bottle.
Say any incantations.
Close your circle.
Use your potion in whatever way you choose.
Moon Water
Moon: Full
Day: Any
Bottle color: Any, as long as the container you put it in is sentimental.
Herbs: You can put lavender or white morning glory’s (moon flowers) in your moon water to help it absorb energy, but that’s optional.
Oil: You can use moon oil if you want, to help absorb energy, but that is optional.
Stones/crystals: You can put opal, moon stone, or crystal quartz in your moon water to help it absorb energy, but that is optional.
Get water; you can use rain water, well water, tap water, bottled water, any water you want. Rain and ground water have the most power and energy.
Empower the water. (Check empowerment notebook)
Cleanse the water using salt or smoke. (Check cleansing notebook)
Put water out for about three nights under the full moon. Take it into a dark place in the morning. Only leave it out at night.
Cast a circle (check circle casting notebook)
Meditate with the water for 30 min+.
Close your circle.
Pour moon water into a container that has sentimental value, mixing your energy with the energy of the moon.
Basic Protection Potion
Moon: Waning or full
Day: Thursday
Herbs: Rose, bay leaf, any kind of sage
Items: Black candle, white candle, small white bowl, sea green water, piece of string any color.
Oil: Almond oil, rose oil or rose extract.
Bottle color: Clear
Make sure all herbs, oils and ritual tools are cleansed. (Check cleansing notebook)
Make sure all herbs, oils, and ritual tools are empowered. (Check empowerment notebook)
Cast a circle. (Check circle casting notebook)
Make sure all items used to make the potion are set on your altar.
Place any type of roses, fresh or dried into your white bowl.
Pour the water into the white bowl. You want about half of your bottle filled with water, so don’t use too much.
Say your incantations while you meditate for 20 min+ Focus your intention on protection, and meditate on the protection that you need in your life.
Light the black and white candles while saying your incantation. Meditate with the candles lit, while focusing your intention on protection.
Add the rose oil and almond oil into the water while saying your incantation. Add more rose oil than almond oil.
Think about the shapes and images created by the oil on top of the water. Focus on what the images mean to you, while saying your incantation.
Fill your bottle with bay leaf and sage while saying your incantation. Meditate with the bottle while focusing your intention. 15min +.
Fill your bottle with the roses, water, and oils, while saying your incantation.
Tie the string around the top of your bottle while saying your incantation and filling the strong with your intention.
Open your circle but don’t blow out the black or white candle. Let those burn all the way down.
Enjoy your potion.