Tarot Spreads

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Transition 6 card Moon Spread:

0- Bottom card- Self card (who are you as a person?)

Go towards the left, clockwise


1-Maiden card

This card represents your youngest self and what your life was like as a maiden.

The Maiden symbol aligns with the crescent/waxing phase of the Moon, and represents the youthful phase of a humans life. This is the time of growth, reflected by the waxing of the Moon as it moves toward fullness. In the cycles of Nature, the Maiden is associated with dawn, sunrise, and the Spring season.


The Maiden represents beauty, fresh potential and new life. In human beings, she is associated with the qualities of innocence, youth, self-confidence, intelligence and independence, and she symbolizes exploration, discovery, self-expression, and creativity. Wiccans may worship the Maiden in the form of the Greek goddesses Persephone and Artemis, the Celtic, Rhiannon, and the Nordic Freya, as well as others.

2-Transition to mother

This is your transition phase. How did you handle the transition from child to adult?


This is your adult phase. What was life like for you as an adult? If you haven’t reached this stage yet, then this card will be a future card, telling you what your adult life will be like


At the Full Moon, the Maiden becomes the Mother, giving birth to all of the abundance on Earth. She is associated with midday, and her season is Summer, the most lush time of year, with forests and fields flourishing and young animals growing into maturity. In the human realm, she is associated with nurturing, responsibility, adulthood and the fullness of life.


As the giver of life, she is the symbol most associated with manifestation. The Mother is considered by many Wiccans to be the most powerful of the Goddesses three phases, and it was a Mother Goddess archetype that inspired Gerald Gardner’s vision of the divine feminine. Goddesses who represent the Mother on many Wiccan altars include the Greek goddesses Demeter and Selene, the Roman goddess Ceres, and the Celtic goddesses Danu and Badb.

4-Transition to crone

This is your transition into old age. How did you handle transitioning from adulthood into old age? This might be in your future, so it tells you what your transition phase will be like.


This is your elderly phase of life. How will you handle your old age? What will it be like?

As the Moon wanes and the darkness of the night sky grows, the Crone steps into her power. Called the Hag in earlier iterations of the Triple Goddess, she represents the post childbearing years of life, and is associated with Autumn and Winter, sunset, night, and the winding down of the growing season. The Crone is the wise elder symbol of the Goddess, and governs aging, endings, death, rebirth, and past lives, as well as transformations, visions, prophecy, and guidance.


Although feared she is the one who reminds us that death is part of the life cycle, just as the Moon's dark phase precedes the New Moon. The Crone is often represented by goddesses associated with death and the underworld, such as the Greek Hecate, the Russian Baba Yaga, and the Celtic Morrigan and Cailleach Bear.

Things to remember:

  • Every card is you.


The expanded 7 card spread:

  • Bottom left corner: Self card

  • Bottom three cards: Recent past/present, future, further future. These cards tell you the events that will happen and have happened.

  • Three cards above the self card- These cards explain how you were affected by the bottom three cards. They expand on their meaning and help to explain the events in detail. They explain your feelings and emotions attached to the event and how it changed and affected your life.

  • The two middle cards- Cards that the reader chose. These cards hold leftover energy from when the cards were drawn, and they help to explain the events in your life in more detail.